Prepare the sale

RealAdvisor explains how to best prepare your property and all the documents related to the sale of your home.

How to sell your home - Complete Guide (2023)

How to sell your home - Complete Guide (2023)

At RealAdvisor, we have sold several hundred properties in the past and in this article we will share a few tips with you  about how to succeed in selling your property. You are at the beginning of a journey that will take you through a number of steps, from your online valuation all the way […]
When should I sell my house? Is it the right time?

When should I sell my house? Is it the right time?

Are you planning to sell your house or flat? Is this the right time in Switzerland? There are some key clues that are more favourable than others in order to fully succeed in selling your property. RealAdvisor deciphers when the best time is to sell your flat. When to sell your house, what is the […]

How much is my home worth?

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