
"In this section of the blog we provide you with all the tools and expert advice you need to estimate the real value of your home."

How to estimate the cost of renovating a house?

How to estimate the cost of renovating a house?

Buying an old property can be a good deal. Comfort and energy performance can be improved. The value of the property can also increase thanks to this work. Before starting the building project, an estimate of the cost of renovating the house must be made. Depending on the work envisaged, you can take advantage of subsidies to […]
How to estimate the price of a new house?

How to estimate the price of a new house?

Becoming the owner of a charming new house is a prospect that delights many individuals. Before embarking on such a project, it is essential to determine the price per m² of a new house. This varies according to the type of construction and the characteristics of the property. Choose the type of house you want […]
How to estimate the price of a house with land?

How to estimate the price of a house with land?

In terms of property valuation, there is a special method for a house with land. It must be used to give the most reliable value. This is the only way to successfully estimate the value of a house with a garden at your disposal. The valuation of the building is the first step. The land and the […]
How to estimate the cost of building a house?

How to estimate the cost of building a house?

To be able to enjoy a comfortable single-family house, the use of construction seems the ideal solution. Before embarking on such an operation, buyers seek to make an estimate of the cost of building a house. However, this data seems very difficult to obtain and varies from a simple real estate valuation. Steps for estimating the […]
How to get your house valued?

How to get your house valued?

Before estimating the price of your home, it is important to understand the different notions of value and price. Real or intrinsic value: The value of a new house minus the depreciation related to the age and condition of the house. The value of the land must be added to obtain the real value.   Market value: Corresponds to the […]

How much is my home worth?

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