There are currently 634 houses listed for sale in Canton of St. Gallen. 24% of houses (151) currently on the market have been online for over 3 months.
The median list price for a house currently on the market is CHF 1,134,569. The asking price for 80% of properties falls within the range between CHF 592,941 and CHF 2,394,568. The median price per m² in Canton of St. Gallen is CHF 7,091/m² (price per square meter). To find out the exact price of a house, get a free property valuation in Canton of St. Gallen.
The cheapest localities to buy a house in Canton of St. Gallen are Hemberg with median price per m² at CHF 4,521, Lichtensteig CHF 5,023/m² and Neckertal at CHF 5,287/m².
The most expensive localities to buy a house in Canton of St. Gallen are Rapperswil-Jona with median price per m² at CHF 11,389 / m², Benken (SG) (CHF 9,245/m²) and Tübach (CHF 9,059/m²).