Essert-sous-Champvent (1443): Property prices, Price per m² (sqm), Online valuation

Price per m²
Rent per m²
Average price per m²
CHF 9,505
CHF 5,833 – 14,696*
Average price per m²
CHF 5,846
CHF 3,309 – 9,359*

Monthly rent and price per m² in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443) as of June 2024

Online property valuation Essert-sous-Champvent (1443)

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Housing market trends and history in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443)

Prices in the real estate market in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443) have decreased by -0.9% over the last 12 months. The chart below shows the historical housing prices over the last 24 years. In 20 years, apartment and house prices have increased by 96.9%.
3 months
6 months
1 year
5 years
10 years
20 years
April 2024

Real estate agents recommendation in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443)

Real estate agents ranking in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443) with transactions made in the last 24 months.
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Average property prices in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443)

House prices

The median price for houses on the market is CHF 1,750,000. The asking price for 80% of properties falls between CHF 895,000 and CHF 4,500,000. The average price per m² in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443) is CHF 5,846 / m² (price per square meter).
Property type Average price (CHF)
House: 4 rooms N/A
House: 5 rooms CHF 1.39m
House: 6 rooms N/A
House: 7 rooms N/A
House: 8 rooms N/A

Apartment prices

The median price for apartments on the market is CHF 965,000. The asking price for 80% of properties falls between CHF 495,000 and CHF 1,980,000. The average price per m² in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443) is CHF 9,505 / m² (price per square meter).
Property type Average price (CHF)
Studio CHF 590k
Apartment: 2 rooms CHF 585k
Apartment: 3 rooms CHF 830k
Apartment: 4 rooms CHF 1.10m
Apartment: 5 rooms CHF 1.45m

Average monthly rents in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443)

Monthly rent for houses

The median monthly rent for houses on the market is CHF 4,475. The monthly rent of 80% of properties falls between CHF 2,300 and CHF 9,436. The average annual rent per m² in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443) is CHF 300 / m² / year (annual rent per square meter of living surface).
Property type Average price (CHF)
House: 4 rooms N/A
House: 5 rooms CHF 3.8k
House: 6 rooms N/A
House: 7 rooms N/A
House: 8 rooms N/A

Monthly rent for apartments

The median monthly rent for apartments on the market is CHF 930. The monthly rent of 80% of properties falls between CHF 930 and CHF 930. The average annual rent per m² in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443) is CHF 223 / m² / year (annual rent per square meter of living surface).
Property type Average price (CHF)
Studio CHF 1.1k
Apartment: 2 rooms CHF 930.0
Apartment: 3 rooms CHF 2.1k
Apartment: 4 rooms CHF 2.5k
Apartment: 5 rooms CHF 2.7k

Latest appraisals in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443)

For sale in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443)

For rent in Essert-sous-Champvent (1443)